Coalition holds rally in Essau


By Kebba Jeffang

Yesterday 16 November the coalition held a rally at Essau. The turnout was exceptional and the reception was very good.adama-barrow

The coalition candidate said he was hopeful of victory, noting that he has good figures behind him.

He said that coming together to form a coalition is good for peace in the country, noting that attempts had been made for 15 years without success.

He said ferry services and the job security for civil servants are priority areas.

Mr Omar Jallow lamented the lack of supply of seeds and fertilizers to farmers and the lack of seccos for the sale of nuts which have led to untold suffering of the farmers. He concluded by saying that the people should end their suffering by bringing an end to the current regime.

Coalition spokesperson Halifa Sallah told the gathering that thousands of youths leave school every year without jobs.

He stressed the need for the cooperative to provide facilities for seeds and fertilizers to the farmers under a coalition government in order to improve the livelihood of farmers.

He emphasised that power belongs to the people who can elect or vote out a government.

He said the reason for the coalition is to overcome the disadvantage of the opposition because of the absence of a second round of voting and the failure of the APRC government to initiate progressive electoral reforms,. The coalition, he said, will also ensure that detention without trial and disappearance without trace phases out.

Dr Isatou Touray declared her support for the coalition candidate Adama Barrow and urged the people to follow suit. She said Mr Barrow is a candidate for the youth for whom he will provide employment and stop ‘back way’ migration.