Clubs contest FIFA dissolution of GFF


By Sulayman Bah Gambian clubs have challenged World football governing Body, FIFA’s decision to dissolve the Gambia Football Federation. The group, comprising league clubs from various strata in the country, yesterday wrote to the Sepp Blatter’s leadership expressing their disappointment over the manner the Mustapha Kebbeh led-GFF is replaced. FIFA earlier last week announced dissolution of the Gambian federation, who it said, no longer enjoys stakeholders’ trust and confidence, installing a five-member team dubbed Normalization Committee as replacement, tasked with holding election for the new GFF board in two months. However, a legion of club representatives have contested FIFA’s move protesting Kebbeh and crew’s innocence describing any move of dissolution a ‘disaster to Gambian football’. “With due respect be rest assured that the vast majority of Gambians, important stakeholders and the Gambian authorities have high confidence and trust for the current GFF and any move to remove them in this current circumstance will be a disaster to Gambian football,” said a statement issued by a group who call themselves stakeholders in Gambian football. The dispatch by the clubs is the first strong reaction since the installation of the Normalisation Committee, but whether such a move would win over FIFA to reconsider its stance remains another matter. This is the second time a dissolution is taking place with the first being Seedy Kinteh’s GFA executive.]]>