Charge against Magistrate Jaiteh dropped


By Kebba Jeffang

Foroyaa has learnt from a reliable source that the single charge preferred against the removed Magistrate Ebrima Jaiteh has Magistrate Ebrima Jaitehbeen dropped during proceedings held in camera on Thursday, December 03, 2015 presided over by the principal magistrate Hilary Abeke.

This reporter learnt that in a matter held in chambers, the Inspector General of Police was represented by Sub-Inspector Ebrima Sarr whilst lawyer Edward Singhatey appeared for the accused person.

In withdrawing the charge, SI Sarr applying under section 68 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) said they are instructed by the Inspector General of Police to drop the single charge against the accused person.

To this effect, there was no objection by the defence counsel.

Therefore, the trial magistrate consequently acquitted and discharged the accused person.

This medium confirmed that the former magistrate at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court who presided over so many high profile cases is charged under section 113 of the Criminal Code with ‘Neglect of Official duty,” which he denied.

The particulars of the charge states: “Mr. Jaiteh for that you did in the month of September, 2015 at Brikama Magistrates’ Court in the Republic of the Gambia, you as magistrate presiding over a criminal case Ref No BRK/Criminal Case/90/13 involving the Inspector General of Police versus Saikou Conteh and Kebba Conteh (accused persons), willfully neglected your official duty by failing to transfer the said case to a sister magistrate even though the prosecution raised concern about your fairness by applying for transfer of the said case which you subsequently struck out for lack of jurisdiction and thereby, committed an offence.”

It could be recalled that Foroyaa has published the arrest of Mr. Jaiteh on 6 November, 2015 and detention at the police headquarters in Banjul before being released on bail and taken to court on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. He was bailed in the sum of D50, 000. Since then, his case has been held in camera and not in public.