By Kebba Jeffang
Sheikh Muhideen Hydara, the Caliph General of Sangajor Darsilameh in
Foni Kansala district of the West Coast Region, on Wednesday, March
04, 2015 started giving evidence at the Brikama Magistrates’ Courtbefore Magistrate Omar Cham, in the criminal trial involving him and
the Alkalo (head) of his village.
The testimony of Hydara followed the end of the cross examination of
Alkalo Buyeh Touray, the 2nd accused person, by the police
When the matter was called, Chief Inspector Camara appeared for the
IGP, whilst Lawyer Antouman Gaye represented the accused persons.
While under cross examination, the second accused told the court that
they had observed the Eid ul Fitr prayer on Tuesday, 29th July, 2014.
He said they did not receive any information that they should pray on
the previous day, Monday, and that the information they received from
the badge messenger indicated that he was sent by the Chief on Kansala
who requested him (Alkalo) to go with him to deliver the message to
the Sangajor Imam.
“I went with him to the Imam and he revealed to us that the Chief has
said that there should be no prayer on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. The
reason he advanced was that the said information came from the
government. However, we finally prayed on Tuesday, 29th July, 2014,”
he concluded.
At this juncture, Muhideen Hydara, the first accused person, who
remained seated while giving testimony, said he lives in Darsilami
Sangajor and that he is the Caliph General of the said place for about
five years now.
“There was an Imam at the time of the incident on the 29th July 2014
and his name is Malign Hydara. He later passed away at the end of the
following month after Ramadan. He has been serving as Imam for more
than 10 years. Likewise, there was an Alkalo too who is now said to be
dismissed. He is Buyeh Touray (2nd accused) and he too served for more
than 8 years. They said they have removed him from his Alkalo
position. I can fully remember what has transpired during the last
Ramadan,” he told the court.
At this stage, defence counsel Gaye applied for an adjournment in
order to continue with the testimony of the first accused person in
subsequent dates. He suggested the 16th and 17th for the next
With the consent of the prosecutor, the matter was subsequently
adjourned to the 16th and 17th of March, 2015 at 12:30pm respectively
for the continuation of the testimony of the first accused.]]>