By Amie Sillah
The Direction
He spoke to her in Skype and gave her directions;
“Being an elder is wisdom and you know I love all my children especially you who I named after my mom Yaa Njiilan, you are very kindhearted, open and easy going but you have to be very careful with people because your generosity/openness can be abused by unscrupulous people.
Now to the point, you are gone and left your fiancé behind; one year is not one day, one week or one month but twelve good months; your fiancé is very nice and I have no cause to condemn him but no one can tell; all that glitters is not gold; just give me one time to test him before you finally tie the marriage knot; remember it is inter faith and as a knighted elder of the church, the polity is not happy about your relationship. Therefore I have to make sure that my precious daughter is secure.
This is the plan; you’ll not correspond with Lama for three months then we shall see how he will react. That will show whether he has stamina for you or not.”
She pondered and showed discomfort.
“But three months is too long, but then can I call him now?”
“Yes, why not, but don’t let him know about our plan.”
“Yes, I’ll call him now but then after three months I’ll call him again.”
Prof agreed.
The conspirators started to act fast.
Prof summoned John Gaa and worked out the detailed plans with him.
Earlier he had recorded Njiils’ voice and manipulated it to suit their purpose.
The second aspect was to take a wedding picture and manipulated Njiils’ face to represent the bride in the picture and did the same for Lama’s picture to represent a groom.
Then the onslaught.
He was frustrated as he tried to get through to his fiancée but to no avail; he decided to go and enquire from Prof.
He was very hostile to Lama and manifested his hatred, spite for him.
“Ehhhh! What can I do for you? You see I am very busy and have no penchant for lazy fools!”
“I’ve not heard from Njiils and that is not her, she is very considerate. Prof! What is happening?”
“It is simple! Are you not a graduate? She has grown over her foolishness in getting attracted to you; she has grown up, you better do the same, ‘Derem ak Derem, go and find poor girls and get attracted to them.”
“I don’t believe you, you are playing games but I’ll get to the root cause of this game.”
“Let me come, wait for me.” Prof posited.
Yaa Jambal
“My dad is right, she has grown over you, go and find your equals.”
He came and played a tape for him;
“To marry Lama will be the biggest mistake in my life; Lama is a nobody.”
“I am smart, I know you’ll disbelieve; therefore I taped my daughter. It is now clear get lost!” He mocked at him as well as Yaa Jambal.
He is very bitter and insulting.
“I should have known better, all you rich people are the same, you worship wealth!” He hissed.
“No man/woman will name her/his child after poverty, are you all not getting connected with one rich person or another? Go and get it to have a worthy life of affluence and influence; without connection you’ll die unemployed. Good riddance to bad rubbish!”
Jambal spat to the ground to show her despise for Lama.
Lama is shattered and became a laughing stock of the public.
His best friend never approved of his relationship with Njiils.
“Learn from your mistake, love my foot, her sister told you ‘Derem ak Derem’ (equals with equals), who are your parents? Farmer, house wife, her parents Prof of a conglomerate and a Nursing Sister mom. Take it easy on yourself and go and find your equals.”
“Boy it is not easy, Njiils is my life, my soul and my body! I can never erase her from my mind; that is just the truth.”
“That’s your cup of tea! Is Njiils the only woman in the world? Forget about her and continue with your life.”
He received admission from Yale to pursue his Masters in Interior Design and Construction.
“I am going for 2 years to do my Masters’ programme and I’ll have more time to my studies than thinking about Njiils.”
“I am very happy for you before you go mad.”
The Return
Njiils returned home a shattered woman, she felt betrayed and dejected by the one she has given her heart and soul.
She went straight to check on her fiancé and to ask him questions about the incommunicado.
The Surprise
Njiils knocked and a heavily pregnant woman came to open the door. After exchange greetings she asked;
“Where is my fiancé Lamarana? He remained incommunicado throughout my stay in U.K and that is not his character, something must be terribly wrong somewhere.”
Mam Ndegaan
“I am his wife, heavily pregnant with our first twins, after you betrayed him he moved on to marry me and went for his Masters’ programme at Cambridge University in the U.K. You too have to learn to move on with your life.”
“Can I have his address, phone to at least explain my side of the story?”
Mam Ndegaan
“He asked me not to give you any contact of his; that he never wants to see or do anything with you again.”
Njiils left the house a broken woman.
At her Prof’s Residence
She walked past her sister and father wanting to welcome her home; she proceeded straight to her room and locked herself up until the morning when she came down to blast her father.
“Thank you dad for destroying my first real, genuine love! Are you happy now?”
“We love you and want to save you from that gold digger son of a nobody! Just bear with us. Don’t you see he is already married and his wife heavily pregnant, he has moved on with his life, you too better do the same.”
“That man you describe as a son of nobody is a million times worthier than the one you called your husband, who cannot resist anything in skirt, trousers or wrapper and moreover has no respect for you or your family; is he not the real gold digger, time will tell?”
“Don’t be crossed with me, wait until you have children then you’ll appreciate my concern for your total welfare.”
“Food is ready; can we go to the dining?” She told her sister.
“I am not hungry!” She shut her up.
To be Cont.