Bansang Hospital: “146 Pregnant Women Died between 2016 and 2020 in Bansang Hospital”


By: Kebba AF Touray

The Board of Bansang General Hospital Management has reported that a total of 146 pregnant women died at the said hospital between 2016 and 2020.

The board reported this while presenting their activity report and financial statements on the Health Statistical Report component for the period under review, before the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) of the National Assembly.

The Board Reported that a total of “7266 pregnant women with complications were admitted in the hospital from 2016-2020, and out of it 146 died due to some pregnancy conditions. The number of 34 maternal deaths in 2016 has decreased by 14.1 percent from 34 to 20.”

The board explained, “The leading cause of the maternity deaths were bleeding (45.8 percent), followed by eclampsia 25 cases, severe malaria 20 cases and sepsi 13 cases respectively”.

Dwelling on the activity report for the period covering 2020-2022, he said the hospital is serving an estimated population of over 600,000 people within and outside the country.

The board said: “The core values of the Bansang Hospital are to ensure quality, affordability, accessibility, innovation, client satisfaction, safety, collaboration and partnership”.

The board reported that during the period under review, the hospital has registered 340,974 patients, out of which 24,866 were admitted for further care, and 1887 was referred in as emergency cases from other health facilities within and outside of the region, as well as 314,221 patients were treated at the OPD and went home.

“A three-year (2019-2021) data on frequency of Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) along Basse-Banjul highway (URR and CRR) was analyzed due to the availability of reliable data. During the period under review, 278 RTAs were documented and 59 victims were involved. Out of 590 RTA victims, 15 deaths were registered,” said the board.

During the period under review, the board stated that live births for 88.0 percent of the total deliveries of 11,536 were conducted, and the number of babies who died shortly before birth was 724 during the same period.

The board also stated that a total of 8566 children were admitted in the hospital’s children ward during the period covering 2016-2020, of which children above five years account for 6168 of the overall admission in the ward.

“Sepsis is the leading cause for less than five 5 years children in the number of 627, anemia 449 and malaria 299 respectively. Among the children above the 5 years’ cohort, malaria is the leading cause of admission for 355 children, followed by pneumonia for 286 children, anemia for 263 children and malnutrition for 22 children respectively,” explained the Bansang Hospital Board.

On its financial transactions, the board reported that their total receipts for 2020 stood at D59,367, 758.17, total payments amounted to D58,468,071.85, surplus totaled D907,686.32, saying “Balance as at 1st of January 2020, was negative D420,805.99. The closing cash book balance stood at D486,880.33.”

For the fiscal year 2021, the Board Reported “Total receipts amounted to D61,173,454.84. total payments stood at D61,178,478.16. The deficit was D5,023.32. balance as at 1st January D486,880.33. The closing cash book was D481,857.01.”

According to the National Audit Office’ rep, they have audited the accompanying financial statements of the hospital for the year ended 31st December 2020, which comprise payment of receipts and other explanatory information.

“In our opinion, the statement of cash receipts and payments present fairly all the materials with respect to the transactions of the Hospital Board for the year ended 31st December, 2020 in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and comply with the Public Sector Finance Act,” said the NAO Rep, Sherign Mass Jallow.

The committee (FPAC) has rescheduled engagement with the board and management of Bansang General Hospital to a further date for the scrutiny, consideration and adoption of their said presented activity reports.

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