By Mustapha Jallow Yusupha Lowe, a 13 year old boy, and Pa Alieu Lowe, a teenager 19, who are the son Bai  Loweand younger brother, respectively, of Baboucar ‘Bai’ Lowe, the former Warrant Officer Class 2 of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), who is alleged to have been involved in the 30 December 2014 insurgency and fled, are still being detained since their arrest on New Year’s day. It was reported that the two together with former wife of Bai Lowe, who was released earlier, were picked up around 3pm at Lamin village by men in plain clothes, who claimed to have got their orders from the Office of the President, and whisked away in a waiting vehicle.  Since then, the two boys have not been seen or heard from by their relatives, according to a close family source. The family has been expressing their worries concerning the education of the two who are still going to school as well as the situation of the 13 year old who is still a minor. Their continued detention is not only a flagrant violation of the Constitution of The Gambia on the 72 hours limit but also contravenes the Children’s Act which protects the rights of minors. They family is calling on the authorities to release the two boys to enable them return to school.  ]]>

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