By Sulayman Bah

The pair slugs it out in the final round of the TNT four-man tournament, bringing an end to a contest beginning last year June.Ama Balde will on Sunday  evening attempt to revenge on Gouye Gui

The wrestlers were initially billed to combat in Gambia, however, given the current indefinite suspension placed on Borreh Dorr by the Gambia government, organisers thought better of it – opting to stage it Senegal.

Event organisers hoped to offer Gambian fans chance to view a live battle between the contesting parties but failure to convince government to rescind the ban meant the clash is staged elsewhere.

The combat is slated for Senegal after representatives of both wrestlers grew disillusioned over the continuous postponement of the duel which they claimed is playing out on the wrestlers.

Ama Balde now faces Gouye Gui bidding to revenge his defeat to the latter in 2012.

Build-up to the much-discussed grand tussle has been at best charged up leading to the subsequent detention of Ama Balde after his fans purportedly attacked GouyeGui’s followers.

Adding to the furor, Gouye Gui who spent two months training in the United States, remain confident of trashing his opponent citing his new form and zeal for victory.

Ama is on an unbeaten run in two duels. Victory will see him finish top of the four-man championship and soar his credentials of facing Modou Lo whom he’d been itching to face.

The same night will also see Tapha Tine face Zoss in the first combat.