My Fellow Gambians, I wish to convey to you on this historic day thatadama-barrow-3
my Candidature is a symbol of National Unity and I intend to work,
hand in hand, with the Coalition partners to unify a divided nation.
There is no need for tension to build up between tribal and religious
groups. We are all equal in citizenship. Each has one vote. The Coalition is established to create One Nation and One People      This
is why I agreed to resign from my party and stand as a transitional
president in order to put aside all party , tribal, religious, gender
and other differences so that all Gambians could forget what divided
us in the past  and work to build a new country that would guarantee
freedom and prosperity to all.
The position of President is not an ordinary one. I am seeking it to
make a difference and give Gambia a new start so that the potential of
the country and its citizens would be developed to the fullest.
There is need for change in order to promote and consolidate
Democracy, Rule of Law, Good Governance and respect for the Human
Rights of our people.
This could only come by putting an end to impunity and self
perpetuating rule characterised by one round of voting, absence of two
term limit, detention without trials, disappearance without trace and
contempt for the order of courts aimed at protecting the rights of
When the state fails to be a protector of its citizens the Citizens
reserve the right to change the executive and put into office an
executive that is true to its Oath of Office.
I will be true to my Oath of Office, if elected President. I will put
a Coalition Government of National Unity in place, to last for three
years, that would respect, uphold and defend the constitution, so
that no one would be arrested without due process, detained without
trial, disappear without trace or held after beng released by court
Under our transitional Government the disciplined forces will display
professionalism and would not be obliged to be loyal to any ruling
party but would be loyal to the Republic and the Citizenry. The Civil
service would be Independent and appointments to public office would
be based on merit. Courts will be Impartial and Independent. I will
not interfere with the Judiciary or the National Assembly. The Media
will be free to disseminate divergent views and dissenting opinion.
Civil society will be free to hold the Government accountable to the
There will be accountability and transparency in managing the affairs
of the country.
To ensure National reconciliation I will grant General Amnesty to all
prisoners associated with dissent or civil disobedience as reaction
to excesses in administration.

Truth and reconciliation will be initiated to amend past injustices.
The Coalition Government will appoint competent persons to work in
consultation with the Law Reform Commission to provide guidance on
Constitutional and Electoral reforms    so that the sovereign Gambian
citizen would enjoy freedom.
The Coalition Government would guarantee free and compulsory education
at the Basic level and make education accessible and affordable at
higher levels of the educational ladder.
Primary Health care will be made accessible and affordable at the Village level.
Self reliance in food production shall be a priority and support
services in agriculture will be given priority. Industrial Growth
would be enhanced and The Service sector given added support to
maintain its strong growth potential.
The Coalition Government would improve infrastructure and endeavour
to make utilities such as electricity and water supply accessible
and affordable. Technology energy generation and mining will become
major industrial activities.
I wish to assure you in three years, the Coalition Government will
build a solid foundation to enable any subsequent government to have a
new start.
We have put all our differences aside in the supreme interest of the
people to preserve the principle of one Gambia One Nation. Forward
Ever!! Backward Never!