Farmers blame heavy down pour for negative impact on some crops


Abdoulie G. Dibba Farmers in Lower River, Central River and  North Bank Regions haveMAIZE FARM told Farmers’ Eye that the heavy down pour of rain experienced this year, has impacted negatively on the growth of cereals particularly millet and maize.The farmers the regions made these statements from the 31st of August to the 6th of September 2015. According to Amat Faal of Sabach Sanjal District in the North Bank Region, though the rainy season has registered a lot of rainfall, they have experienced poor germination with regard to groundnut as well as poor growth rate with regard to millet and maize. Apart from the poor growth rate, most millet and maize are yellow in colour instead of being green. “Our millet and maize are short and yellow in colour, this is a cause for concern to us,” stated Amat Faal. Saikou Ceesay a farmer in Niamina East asserted that though the season has registered a lot of rainfall, they are not expecting a bumper harvest as the weeds have outgrown most of their crops. Asked why that was the case, Mr Ceesay stated that it rains almost every day and as such all the weeds that are weeded have germinated immediately the rain fell on them. “This rain pattern makes it practically impossible for us to make our farms clean this year,” stated Saikou Ceesay. Other farmers who spoke to this reporter in Jarra, Lower River Region also share the same opinion with those at Central River and North Bank Regions but added that farmers that had the opportunity to host herds of cattle in their farms are the ones whose cereals are growing properly because of the manure. Foroyaa will approach the Ministry of Agriculture to get their expert opinion on the impact of this year’s rains on the crops in general.]]>