Seyii Tolof – Tolof Part 99 EPISODE 8 (Difficult Marriages – Seed of Destruction)


By Amie Sillah

The Police
Alhajj Tunkara came with a police escort and his land documents. The police confronted Sayerr and accused him of trespassing.
“These are my land documents the plot was sold to me by one Mr. Sengaan Joof. Do you have any problem with that?”
“I do not have problem with you but with Sengaan Joof who forged my land documents all the same hold on your work until the dispute is settled, I am returning back to the village to meet our clan elders.”
The police took heed and asked Tunkara to halt until the dispute is settled and he agreed.

Stolen Documents
Sayerr went to the village and enquired from his mother.
“Where are the land documents?”
Tenneng went to where she kept it for safe keeping and found them missing.
She yelled;
“I cannot find the papers where I kept them! They have grown wings and flew away!” She exclaimed.
“Sengaan took them and photocopied the documents and have sold the land to a businessman.” Sayerr told his mother.
“What! I’ll summon the clan elders.” She went to Pa Sayerr and laid her complain.

He came yelling, insulting and cursing.
“Where is that son of a bitch? Who are you to go to the city and disturb the peace? Come out here and face the lion, the first son of his father!”

“Why are you bluffing and impersonating what you are not? Who deceive you that you are the first son? Go to the elders and get the facts because your concubine of a mother is deceiving you. We’ll soon meet the elders and you’ll get the rude shock of your life; you are a fool if you were intelligent you’ll smell the coffee; if you were the eldest why did my dad gave me the land documents for safe keeping? Why didn’t he give it to you or your mother? Your transaction at the city is null and void and you have to pay back the money you have squandered under false pretext and you can go to jail for it.”

“it is a lie and a conspiracy between your deceitful mom and the compromised fool of elders but I’ll so deal with you!” He charged and entered into a brawl with Sayerr whom he wrestled to the ground; Tenneng came and started to hit Sengaan, Jambal joined in the fight and hit Tenneng who wrestled her to the ground; there was pandemonium and the compound filled to capacity as the elders arrived to take the case.

The Threat
“You’ll not live to witness it! It is a promise!” Sengaan posited.

“Elders! Do you hear him? You are my witness and my life is in their hands.” Tenneng concurred.
“Poisonous snakes! The life of my only son is in your hands!”

The Elders
 They went to the chief’s court and laid the case. The two women and their kids were present.

 He listened to the elders then spoke directly to Sengaan.
“Where are the papers?” He handed it to him. Then he gave it to Pa Sayerr.
“As the elder of the clan keep it for the first son Sayerr until the case is settled.” He turned to Sayerr;
“As the first son of your father share it judiciously with your half-brother because he is a legal son from your father’s bosom; you occupy the first son position because your mother was properly married to your father.”

He became infuriated and insulted the chief and the elders.
“Sayerr and his mother has bribed you compromised elders but I don’t give a shit; I know what to do he’ll not live to narrate it!” He threatened and left followed by his mother equally insulting and hurling insults at the chief and elders.

“Did you hear them threatening my son? Take note because I am not taking it lightly.”

At the Police
The work was halted and Tunkara asked Sengaan to refund his money which he did after selling some appliances and J.J’ plot of land. They were very bitter as they lay their plot.

He told Tenneng that he was going to the stream for a swim.
“Don’t be late nowadays crime increased and people are being attacked when it is dark.” Tenneng advised.
“I’ll not be long mom well noted.”

The Assassins
Sengaan gave them Sayerr’ picture and pointed out at him as he headed to the stream.
“He is the one wearing light blue vest and black shorts; don’t miss the target.”
“Yes boss!”

At the Stream
He was joined by Njaga Pa Sayerr’ only son.
“I went to your home but Tenneng told me you’ve come to the stream and I’ve come to join you.” Njaga posited.
They swam for a while and Njaga insisted that he has to leave early to meet a friend leaving Sayerr in the stream.

The Assassins
They saw him wearing the same attire as Sayerr they shot and killed him and Sayerr left later and at a distance saw the dastardly act and went into hiding because the assassins realized their error and went after him but could not find him.   

The Shock
The villagers saw the corpse being taken to the town morgue and rushed to report to Tenneng who fainted as she was carried to the chief’s court yard. First aid was administered to her and she woke up and wept bitterly.
“They have killed my son! Didn’t they threaten? Chief they have killed my son!” She wailed rolling on the ground.

Pa Sayerr
“Korka my son! What calamity have you brought upon yourself? Now they have wiped out your legitimate family!”

The Crowd
    They went for Sengaan and brought him to the chief court yard. Jambal was present.
“You and your illegitimate son killed my son; you killed him!” She yelled at them.

The Shock and Surprise
As they were exchanging bitterness Sayerr appeared as an apparition which shocked and threatened both Sengaan and Jambal.
On impulse Tenneng asked;
“Are you dead?”
“I am not a ghost but Sayerr alive and kicking! I am not dead; your mission unaccomplished! This is what happened;” He explained.

“Njaga joined me at the stream unfortunately wearing the same attire because the assassins saw me at a distance and were in a haste to carry out their mission before it could be thwarted; they shot and killed Njaga.”
Sayerr continued his narration;
“I hid for four days then went to the police and reported the murder and the assassins were caught and apprehended. I know that everyone thought I was died then I came out to clear the air. They killed my small uncle Njaga Pa Sayerr only son; they kill him! And they must pay!”

Pa Sayerr
He was too distraught to comprehend what was being said;
“Which Pa Sayerr are you talking about? Is it my son? My only son? You are not serious!”
The elders consoled him and asked him to take heart;
“You are a church elder, a knight, it is your son and you have to take heart!”
“Oh Korka! What have I done to you for bringing your family doom into my household? Can I ever forgive you?” He wept bitterly.

The Elders
Evil scarlet woman! See what you have brought to your family, evil can only give birth to evil! You made your bed so live on it!”

“Thank your stars that you were missed l came into Korka’s family on a destruction mission, he betrayed me took my honour and dumped me, my maternal cousin staying in U.S wanted to marry me but I rejected him for Korka but how did he pay me with a betrayal? I am happy at least he and his mother were consumed by my venom. I am ready to go to jail.” She posited in a defiant mood.

“You made your bed so lay on it with your son, wicked, evil mother given birth to an equally wicked and murderous son! Good riddance to bad rubbish!”

The Police
They came with a charge warrant and apprehended Sengaan and his mother as the mistress planner.

   “Take them away we don’t need such evil people in our peaceful community!”