Seyii Tolof – Part 67 EPISODE 4 (Difficult Marriages)


By Amie Sillah

At the Children’s Clinic
Dr. Nying
He ran the tests and had some stalkling revelations.
“Where you breast feeding him exclusively?
I did for six months then I started giving him locally solid foods accessible and available.”
“Any family member has HIV?”
She yelled and exclaimed;
“Hell no!”“Have you test your status and when?”
“I did it 18 months ago when I was very ill and proved negative before I took the baby’s pregnancy.”
“Does he have diarrhea?”
“The usual stomach pain and when gave him drug it stop.”
“I have ran tests on him and his results am afraid have proven positive as well the confirmatory tests.”
Ti almost collapsed but doctor held her tight.
“HIV is no longer a dreaded disease there are many positive interventions that can prevent full blown Aids, prevent Mother to Child Transmission and give a negative healthy baby; one has to be empowered with correct information to live a positive productive life.
I know you know the famous basket ball player Magic Johnson positively living with the virus for the past 20+ years and still has not suffer full blown Aids with wife and children by his side with negative status his Foundation is positively contributing to give people infected and affected by the virus to be empowered and to live a responsible, productive life.
You are young, productive and beautiful get information, be empowered and let your baby live a normal life, I am a friend and am here to help you.”
Dr. Nying gave her a load of literature user friendly to take home.
“Also go to Google and read a lot about it. Cheer up it is no longer what it used to be.”

At theVillage
Kumuna took grandma’ smart phone and rang her mombut she did not take it as she was driving in high traffic.
Take your phone mom before my wicked grandma comes home, take it mom! Take it! She is not picking oh!” She became anxious.

She saw grandma’ number and ignored it.
As she persisted she decided to answer it.
“What is it grandma? Do you want to caricature me again?”
“Mom! It is me Kums!”
Kumuna my baby is it you? How is your kid sis Jomfolo? How are you faring with that wicked soul of a grandma? How did you get her phone? Don’t you worry you’ll join us soon, Aunty Mam will surely intervene.”

“Grandma is out I stole her phone she is wicked she smacks us daily for every little thing please mom do everything to get us out of this hell.”
Ti sobbed hysterically.
“What did I do to this woman to be treated as such and she even extended it to her grand children? What a wicked world!”

She came tiptoed and overheard Kumuna vilifying her to her mom. She wrestled the phone from her before she completed her next sentence.|
“Little rat with a running mouth! How dare you backbite and vilify me to your American mom? Am I wicked? Today I’ll show you pepper.”
Kums dodged her as she threw shoes at her.
“Frog dance!” She ordered Kumuna but she refused and went out. Grandma went and brought Jomfolo to receive Kumuna’ punishment.

“Please grandma don’t kill my children for me oh if you do their blood will be upon your hands and God if judge you here and hereafter.” She then cut off before any reply.
Mama tried to ring her but Ti putt off her phone.

   “Look at her! What has she to say after committing all those atrocities to this family? It is her that God will judge here and here after.” She grumbled.
“I am training you to be obedient to elders like your dad up to his age of 50 years he took instructions from me.”

That training is wickedness by all modern standards, we are the new breed dad was from the old block. I’ll definitely not train my kids like that; our parents gave us space to develop, they struggle with our negativity and unite with our positivity and that’s exactly how I’ll train my children tomorrow.”

She cried hysterically and phone Mam Ndaxte.
“Kumuna rang through mama’ phone when she was out and told me the atrocities she is meting out at her grand children; what have I done to this wicked woman but treat her VIP like my own mother?’

Mam Ndaxte
“Why are you crying? This is my case let your mother in law has her fill mine will come sooner than later. Wipe your tears I’ll come over from work.”

At Ti’ House
Mam Ndaxte came from work and gave her kid sis courage.
“Be strong for yourself and your kids as an only parent, Sohu told me that your joint bank account with Gaa has been transferred to mama without your knowledge and consent; he is wicked didn’t I advice you not to marry him? He is not only bush man but wicked, sly and cunning, God will judge him for offending my kid sis in life as well as in death.
We can see what we can do, you are young, beautiful, smart, a graduate she will be gainfully employed and can marry again if you wish, there should be no room to despair.” She dipped into her bag took out a cheque of a million dalasi.
“This token is from Gheran and me so that you can tidy up your bills since your joint account has been taken over by his Field Marshall Mama.”
She cried hysterically with joy and hugged her sis.
“What can I do without you? Thank you! Thank you! I am overwhelmed.”
“You are welcome!
Another thing I am going to the U.S to do my sabbatical I want to do my PhD.”
“What! Are you going to leave me here? My parents are not coming home for a long time due to their medical condition. What am I going to do? Who am I going to lean on to?”
“God! You’ll lean on God. And I am not going now until end of year.”
“Gaa use to say if he dies I should mourn him for only a short period of 40 days and I’ll adhere to that to honour his last wish.”
“After the atrocities he and his wicked mom meted out to you and your family? You have good heart if it was me I’ll not even mourn him for a day, he does not deserve your mourning as he has betray you in life and in death.”
“He is now dead and has once upon a time been a good husband and father.”

To be Cont.