GFF’s tribute to Baboucarr SAHO


Below is the tribute issued by the Gambia Football Federation inGoalkeeper Baboucarr Saho
honour of BaboucarSaho, a.k.a. Goalkeeper Saho, a veteran member of
the Gambia national team, who had won many accolades for Gambia in
international football:
“We have learnt with shock and dismay the death of Mr. BaboucarrSahothe  legendary  former  national  team  goal  keeper  whose
individual brilliance and glittering career as the safest pair of
hands is no exaggeration to say that  SAHO has set new benchmarks  for
others  to follow in the service of our great nation, The Gambia.
Babou Ginneh as he was fondly called had a blistering and fulfilling
career as a versatile and a no nonsense player in his usual engaging
and refreshing manner, taking time for every conversation with
confidence. BaboucarrSaho’s unwavering dedication in bringing football
to a wider audience as an unpaid volunteer, his remarkable passion for
the game and his commitment to his work as goal keeper is magical. As
we reminisce on the achievements of this larger- than- life figure and
a truly professional with outstanding abilities and qualities came
through  hard work, dedication  and  most  importantly his undivided
love  and due commitment to  his country.
“As we  mourn  a goal  keeping  hero  for  his  gallantry  and
unalloyed passion, we solemnly  and respectfully  remembered
BabouJinneh for his excellent  services to  his community, his clubs
and his nation, The Gambia.
“The former powerhouse of Gambian football would be remembered for his
strong work ethic, tough talking and his capacity to surpass others and
get things done.
“The President of Gambia Football Federation (GFF) Mr. Lamin Kaba Bajo,
upon learning the demise of  the legend led  a high  powered delegation
to the bereayed family to pay their respect  and to console them on
the demise of the late BaboucarrSaho.”