Foroyaa has been informed that a Bill to amend the Women’s Act is a private members bill aimed at decriminalising FGM. Interestingly enough the Act to criminalise FGM was done under the Jammeh regime. Now the Barrow administration is under fire from all international organisations as to why the National Assembly is considering a repeal of the Act.

It is theerfore very significant for the National Assembly members to review the principles of the Bill with clarity so that the right thing is done to keep the country united and clear on the subject matter. Our religious community, especially the Islamic community must not allow themselves to be divided on the subject matter. Foroyaa has enquired and has been informed by all religious leaders who are for or against FGM that muslim women are entitled to all the blessings of their faith if they fulfil the five pillars irrespective of whether they perform or fail to perform FGM.

Hence if the religious leaders are to keep the Islamic community united, they should not elevate their debate on FGM beyond teaching muslim women to adhere to the five pillars of the religion, which is more significant than to be divided on a pro and against FGM agenda.

In the same vein some perform FGM by tradition while others do not based it on tradition, but they have co-existed for centruries without attacking each other. In raising such issues, people should avoid dividing the country on cultural lines by using languages that tantamount to hate speech.

In law making one looks at what is harmful to members of society irrespective of religion, tradiditon or social status. Hence before making laws one must be informed of both the principles and merits of the law. Therefore law makers must first be sufficiently informed about a subjcet matter before they can defend the principles and merit of making a law to that effect. Fofoyaa will monitor what the law makers are going to say on the subject matter and would like to caution them that they should keep the country united in whatever they say and they should base their argments on knowledge and facts before they should defend the proincple and merits of any law they are considering regarding FGM.

Foroyaa will not infuence their mnds nor interefere with their judgment, but they should know that the country, the continent and the world are listening to them.

In the same vein, the actions of the Jammeh and Barrow administration on this subject matter is being weighed.