We have started counting on a daily basis the number of days left for registration to come to an end on 11th July 2021. The registration centres will be asked by Foroyaa reporters for the number of people they could register in a day. We will calculate how many people registered as voters in a particular constituency prior to the 2021 registration. We will contact GBoS to find out how many people attained the age of 18 between 2016 and 2021.
We will try to forecast how many people are yet to register as voters and then determine whether there is enough time left to wait before going to get their cards.
Waiting until the last minute and blaming the IEC for closing registration while thousands are waiting to be registered should be avoided at all costs. Go now and get your card when it is easy to do without a rush. To fail to do so is to give no value to your citizenship. Your voter’s card determines what you are worth as a citizen.
Unfortunately, without it you are a worthless citizen. This is not an insult. It is a fact. Without the voter’s card you cannot determine who is to govern your country.