The sheer numbers of the force with riot gears petrified many villagers, especially the shopkeepers who closed their shops. The UDP convoy was cordoned under a security net. The more the online media spoke about supporters of other parties moving towards Fass, the tighter the security cordon. Even though no curfew was declared, the security forces restricted freedom of movement to and from the area as if there was a curfew. Taxis were monitored and all suspicions persons closely followed. Hence, every passer-by could not fail to realise the state of siege in Fass Njaga Choi. Historians would record the siege of Fass Njaga Choi to show how the state over played its hand and occupied  a whole village for two days and wasted resources, time and energy just to prove that it could stop a political Party from carrying out its role as a political party. Foroyaa is glad that the storm in the tea cup is over and that might has been restrained by law, reason and common sense.  As the UDP convoy took off from Fass Njaga Choi and the siege ended, the jubilant activists of the UDP truly understand the price of personal freedom and security and why constitutions establish safeguards to protect them. It is also important to know why such constitutions are to be put in the hands of those who respect its provisions to administer the affairs of a state. To avoid this pathetic scenario in the future those who have responsibility in issuing permits should carry out their functions without fear or favour, affection or ill will. Secondly, those who interact with them should be able to assess whether delays are due to forgetfulness, professional incompetence, sycophancy, or foul play as a result of instruction from the top. Each cause of a problem must be identified so that an appropriate remedy could be sought. What is essential is for heads of departments, permanent secretaries and ministers to be ready to meet complainants who are leaders of parties and allay their fears of foul play. This will minimise such incidents which lead to waste of time and resources.]]>