Aggrieved Nurses Resume Work Following Minister Samateh’s Intervention


By Nelson Manneh

The Forty-eight Nurses who on Tuesday 3rd October 2020 march to the Ministry of Health demanding for the government to pay their salaries and COVID-19 allowances have resumed work after the Minister of Health Dr samateh promised them that their demands will be fulfilled by the government.

Samateh said the nurses will be paid their salaries at the end of November 2020.

The registered Nurses are the January 2017 intake of the Gambia College. They completed their courses at the college in 2019 and were appointed by the government through the Ministry of Health in August 2020.

During their protest, the nurses said they have not received their salaries since August 2020.

Antouman Jagne a nurse who was part of the protesters told this medium that they have met the Minister of Health Wednesday 5th November 2020 and they were assured by the Ministry that their demands will be fulfilled.

“We met the Ministry and he told us that his ministry will explore the possibilities with accounts to pay our salaries within next week but if it is not possible, then they will pay us end of month,” he said.

Regarding their COVID 19 allowances, Jagne said Dr Samateh has informed them that his ministry will work on it.

“For now we are hopeful and we believe our demands will be fulfilled. If they are not fulfilled, we still stand by our words no pay, No work,” he said.

Readers could recall that on Tuesday 3rd November 2020, forty-eight registered Nurses protested in Banjul demanding for the government through the Ministry of Health to pay them their salaries and COVID 19 allowances.