The Food Distribution Challenges Of The Country


Duplication of effort is one of the risks a country encounters when the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. All sectors of society, National, Regional, Municipal institutions and civil society are involved in food distribution. Government assistance, whether at the National or Council level is not charity. It is giving back to society what belongs to society. However, the process of doing so must be reasonable and justifiable.

In short, since members of society do not earn the same income, food assistance should be guided by the principle of need. Those most in need should be given priority if the distribution of food is to be considered to be conducted in a fair and just manner.

Hence any transparent and accountable system of distribution should be guided by the principle of inclusiveness and preceded by proper needs assessment among the communities whose members are to be the recipient of assistance.

What is improper is for government food assistance to be given to those close to those who have authority to distribute them purely due to friendship, family ties or party affiliation or be diverted back to shops for sale to fatten pockets.

It would constitute a betrayal of conscience, nation and people to fail to allow food to reach the most vulnerable because of discrimination and greed. Let us hope that the chapter on food assistance associated with COVID-19 will be inspiring to read because of effort made to serve the vulnerable at their time of greatest need.