Saayii Tolof Part 407 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’ not your Category, your Class)


“Do you know them? They are a lovely, loving couple with their witty children I pray I marry such a beautiful, elegant woman amen O amen!”

  He was transfixed for a while then walked past the man and went into the Supermarket. He hushed his shopping then drove straight to the village.

Past Reflections
How did the duo met?
She almost knocked him down as he came out of the office seeking for employment it is now 3 years since he came out of university.

  “Are you drunk this daylight? Do you want to kill me donkey driver?”
Then he looked straight into the car a damsel was at the driver’ seat;
“Oh no! I am told ladies are sober drivers why are you different?” He hissed.

She came out of her car and stooped before Fams;
“I am very sorry I was irresponsible listening to my favourite track.”

He yelled at her;
“Silly girl listening to your favourite track to kill me? You are an irresponsible beauty am sorry to describe you the least.”

“You can call me names I deserve it hurl insults at me I’ll bear it you can even slap me if you wish I deserve compared to the life I would have ended; hop in let me take you to your place of work.”

  “I am going to photocopy some papers I am seeking for employment since I left the university some three years ago.”

   “Since three years ago that’ a while what do you read?”

   “Economics and ICT fair damsel we are guys and you are babes the ‘big shots’ prefer you to us.”

  She laughed;
“Is it a wrong assumption I got a job because of my family connections.”

  “That’ what I mean family connections or ‘bottom power’.”

   “Do you want a bank job?”

He became sarcastic;
“Are you offering me one?”

“Something like that we have a vacancy at our Bank and as an Economist you can fit in and I can make it happen the Manager is my uncle’ friend and my boss.”

   “Beggars have no choice I am in make it happen fair damsel I wish you would have near miss me long time ago.” The duo laughed over it.
They went to the photocopying shop and Jaambi got all his papers done and she also invited him for lunch.

   “Today is my lucky day promised a job, got my papers photocopied and now treated with a lunch date.”

   “You are witty and funny I sort of like you.”

Lunch Date
“Order anything on me suit yourself.”

The waiter
She was called and the duo ordered the same thing;
“Why can’t you order something different suit yourself?”

   “We are now one Allah has joined us together.”

  She is liking the discussion then she said to herself;
“is it mutual? Is it love at first sight? Is it real? Find out girl” Her inner voice urged her.

Love at First Sight
    The duo got connected Fams got the job and Jaambi kept her rented house but spend most of her time with Fams literally became a wife doing all the household chores and brought her own gadgets to make life easy for Fams the house was sparkling clean she is also a good cook and Fams and his friends enjoy her meals until Jaato has to chide and taunt Mam Bi as being lazy and irresponsible.

     “Mam Bi! What sort of woman are you? You are not a wife material look at Jaambi and how she is treating my friend Fams she can cook as well as keep the house clean. Can you cook? Because I cannot marry a wife who can’t cook.”

Mam Bi
“Don’t compare me with Jaambi she is a fool spending her hard earned money on a boyfriend who has not yet tie the knot you know this village boys they are parochial and rooted with their kit and kin a rare surprise awaits my friend Fams will wake up one day and tell her that his mother has found him a wife but if Fams ever betray Jaambi Nemesis and the law of Khmer will be his companion. So cooking is your yardstick in marrying a woman? Tie the knot before I cook for you.”

   “Mam Bi Doomsday Prophetess let them be thank God Jaambi is not you. Always are you serious that you want to marry me?”

Mam Bi
  “You friends birds of the same feathers flocked together you have the same plans I know but before you fire me I’ll fire you first I am empowered and would never be a doormat to any person be it a guy or a babe. Moreover I am joking I don’t want to marry you.”
   “I’ve heard you and would be very careful with my plans.”

At the Village
   He went and made himself incommunicado Mba Nyaling came and want to bribe him with food.

Mba Nyaling
“I’ve cooked your favourite dish go to the dining and satisfy yourself.”

  He yelled and startled his mom who almost fell down from the chair she was sitting on;
“I don’t need food what I need is my natural wife you imposed a harlot on me in the name of ‘Nawle’ where are her virtues? Jula is an imposter a ‘married spinster’ prostituting herself with a man the age of her father who gave her wealth she deposit in a secret account; what sort of a woman from a responsible home whose father is an imam? Where is the ‘Nawle’ you and Mbaring Dembo recommended for me? I’ll never forgive you in my life time; the woman you chided and taunted is now a double Masters holder married to a Psychologist Researcher with beautiful witty and handsome boy and girl and look at me where is my child/children? Where is my wife? Her husband chided and taunted me for leaving a jewel for him to grab and he is right they invited me for lunch but I do not have the courage to go I still love my Jaambi but she is now someone’ else and I still love Jaambi but I don’t want to cause her any problem she is a noble woman with a wonderful husband and lovely kids. This is my predicament and thanks to you and Mbaring Dembo’ guidance.”
To be Cont.