The Independent Electoral Commission has issued a press release reminding all stakeholders of the provisions of the Elections Act.

In particular the IEC has drawn attention to the Code on Election Campaign Ethics which include:

(a) That all political parties and candidates desist from the use of inflammatory language or any other means that will lead to violence.

(b) That the general public respect the rights of political parties and candidates as enshrined in the Constitution and Elections Act.

(c) That everyone is tolerant to each other.

The release went on to caution that, “The acceptance and fulfillment of the code prepared and issued by the IEC shall be the condition of the acceptance of candidate’s nomination to take part in election conducted under this Act.”

The release concludes by IEC assuring all stakeholders a Free, Fair and Transparent Electoral Process.

Presidential elections are to be held on 1 December 2016 and nomination of candidates should take place from 7 to 10 November 2016. Meanwhile as these dates draw nearer political activities are intensifying as aspirants prepare for the contest.