GAMCOTRAP trains, provides grants to 30 circumcisers


By SarjoCamara-Singateh Gambia Committee against harmful traditional practices promoting the rights of women and children,GAMCOTRAP trains (GAMCOTRAP), has recently concluded training on Alternative Employment Opportunity with 30 circumcisers in the Niaminas, ahead of their dropping of the knife and provided each of them with D5, 000.00 as grant–in-aid The presentation ceremony was graced by the chiefs of both NiaminaDankunku and Niamina West and the funds were presented by AjaBabungSidibeh, on behalf of the Lower Fulladu Chief.In his closing remarks Chief AlhagieSulayman Keita of Dankunku informed the circumcisers that they had almost reached the end of their journey in ending FGM in the districts. He said FGM has long being practiced and has always been associated with religion. He said some associated the practice with one of the hadiths where the Prophet (SAW) was asked about the practice and he responded that the cut should be limited. Chief Keita said after many research works were carried on the issue, it was realised that the stated hadith is unauthentic, adding that people have the right to say that it should be stopped because of the consequences on the health of women. The NiaminaDankunku Chief told the women that they have not been forced to stop the practice, but it was through training and dialogue that they have reached consensus. He said the Alternative Employment Opportunity (AEO) given to them is a substitute to the meager income they receive from the practice. “Therefore the funds received should not be misused,” he added. He noted that the funds should be appreciated as none of the circumcisers present had ever circumcised girls and had received such an a mount for the period of two or three years.]]>