25 Year Old Seeks Overseas Medical Aid


By Nelson Manneh

 Aji Dibba, a 25 year old girl residing in Bundung, is seeking for support from Government, donor agencies, philanthropists and the general public in order to be able to undergo to facilitate her treatment overseas. Aji is in dire need of medical support. According to the report from the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFTSH), Aji was seen at the A and E Unit of the hospital, where she was assessed and found to have acute vaso occlusive crisis with malaria; that her condition improved with the anti-malaria treatment, rehydration and analgies and was subsequently discharged to be followed up by a physician. She currently complains of recurrent abdominal pains, vomiting, general body pain and passage of blood stained stools. The report added that Aji is found to be chronically ill and looking pale and afebrile; that her abdomen is soft and not tender; that she currently needs to be evaluated by a gastroenterologist for suspected colitis and managed by a physician for sickle cell disease. Hawa Sanneh the mother of Aji Dibba, seeking for assistance from individuals, Government and NGOs in order to facilitate her treatment; that any good samaritan who wants to assist can reach them on the following numbers: 7299758 or 7058004.