2 Month Old Baby Needs Urgent Overseas Treatment

Istou Jobe

By Saikou Suwareh Jabai

The family members of Isatou Jobe, a two-month old baby, is seeking financial assistance to enable her go for overseas treatment.

The Medical Research Council (MRC), recommended for Isatou’s referral for an assessment and surgical treatment of possible congenital oesophageal fistula, or trachea-oesophageal fistula.

Isatou’s medical report states that she was presented with cough and a history of regurgitating feeds through her nostril, and failure to thrive. On admission, she weighed just 2.6kg and was treated as a severe acute malnourished patient, with possible congenital oesophageal fistula or trachea-oesophageal fistula.

Isatou’s father Sheikh Omar Jobe, narrated the difficulties face on daily basis by the family, in seeking cure for their child’s sickness.

Sheikh, a mechanic by profession, said his earning capacity is unable to foot the medical bills of his child’s treatment overseas and is therefore calling on Government, civil society organizations and philanthropists, to urgently help save his baby’s life from this severe sickness. He said the baby uses a tube to breast feed and coughs throughout the night.

To support young Isatou Jobe, please contact Sheikh Omar Jobe on:3711247, 3911247 or 7119390.