In answer to a question the Minister of Finance told the National Assembly that the new buses cost 13 million euros or 942 million dalasi.

It should be noted that Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation is managing the social security payments of the working population. Hence the government should not influence the public enterprise in any way to spend money on investment that would not lead to the speedy return of the sum invested with profit to be able to pay the workers when their entitlements are due.

It is therefore necessary for annual performance audit to be conducted to determine the viability of the Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC) as an investment hub of the Social Security And Housing Finance Corporation. Any failure to recover the sum invested would lead to a crisis in the payment of the entitlement of the workers when they are due.

In the same vein all public enterprises like Nawec are supposed to have done their debt reconciliation with social security and payment of those debts must be made if a a crisis of the payment of the entitlement of the workers is to be averted.

The sum invested in the buses reveals that funds for development comes from the people and should serve their interest.