With Mamour Mbenga
World Vibes Entertainment successfully started a brand new studio operation on Monday the 17th August 2015. This is what prompted this reporter to approach the chief executive officer of the company, Mr Essa Colly a.k.a ‘’ENC D REAL’’.
QUESTION: I will first off all commend you for the summer warm up, which is the bum daga dag tour and the successful establishment of the studio. When did you formerly start this studio operation?
ENC: The studio started just last week, as you can see ever thing is fresh and brand new and I ordered all this materials from the U.K
QUESTION: What is the name of this studio?
ENC: The studio is named after the company, World Vibes
QUESTION: I know this must have been a long term project of having your own studio, what really motivated you to come up with your own studio?
ENC: One of things that really motivated me is to tackle the issue of consistency, the production of good quality songs and beat that can fit in the international arena.
QUESTION: Since you are a dancehall artist, is it going to be a dancehall studio?
ENC: No! World Vibes Studio is for music zandras.
QUESTION: There are lots of studios in The Gambia that are every day cooking songs, yet still, those songs are finding it very rocky to be fitted international. Don’t you think the lack of specialization was the reason why we are having lots of under produced songs in the Gambia?
ENC: Well that depend on the artist to make a right choice of producer. For example, if you are a reggae singer and you produce your song with amballac produce, obviously the result not be as good as you expect.
QUESTION: You said World Vibes is going to take a new dimension of producing good quality music, who will be the producer that the people need to look up to?
ENC: World Vibes Studio is purposely established for good producers, engineers and artists. Our production schedule depends on the type of music we are working on. When we are producing hip hop, it is going to be produced by a hip hop producer.
QUESTION: Hence your main aim is to connect our music to the main stream, what is the first project that the fans can expect from World Vibes Studio?
ENC: Our first project will be an international rhythm that will feature three artists from Jamaica, Kenya and Gambia. It will be called the stone circle rhythm.]]>