Will The Legal Year Give Rise To A New Judiciary?



The judiciary and its judges have been given many names during the Jammeh administration. Many young lawyers had abandoned the bench because of the higher reward of belonging to the Bar. The legal year is commemorated by those in the judiciary to take stock and make recommendations for improvement.

Taking cognizance of the speech of the Chief Justice during the legal year commemoration 2019 which tendered to highlight all the challenges the judiciary faces, Foroyaa expects the executive to respond to these demands. There is no doubt that the salary and privileges of magistrates require review. Those who preside over sensitive cases cannot be allowed to join the same taxis with those they have made adverse decisions against. They deserve responsibility allowances and transport to ferry them to and from work.

On the other hand people are complaining on how rent cases are being handled at the level of magistrates. A special study needs to be done to find out whether the quashing of rent tribunals and the referral of such cases to magistrates’ courts improves the quality of justice or worsens it.

Foroyaa will begin to cover some of these cases and publish their judgments and appeal processes to enable the Chief Justice to evaluate the performance and determine whether the complaints are authentic or misconceived.