There is a definite concern expressed by people regarding detention without trial. The Gambia does not have a Human Rights Commission specialised in monitoring human rights violations and advocating for their prevention and the rectification of wrongdoings. Ministers have promised that the BILL would soon see the light of day but to no avail. The National Assembly would have received annual reports from such a Commission to be able to monitor the human rights situation in the country. At this moment, if media establishments like Foroyaa did not play the role of whistle blower many detained persons would be forgotten. We would like the head of state to take note of the fact that long detentions in poorly ventilated environments with poor lighting system could give rise to chest infections and eye defects. A study needs to be done of the health status of detainees after detention. Liberty is as important as food. A person in captivity finds it very difficult to eat. This is why some even go on hunger strike to combat their detention. No human being who values life and freedom would allow his or her fellow human being to stay in captivity even for a second if it is within one’s powers to ensure their release. Only heartless tyrants without conscience would persist in detaining and tormenting a human being for no just cause. The African people struggled for self determination and Independence so that such tyranny would be effaced from the continent. No African leader is qualified to be the spokesperson of the African people unless one has put an end to detention without trial and disappearances without trace. ]]>