Who Is The Loose Canon The Media Or The User Of The Media?



Media are tools. The user of a tool could have a positive or negative goal. Hence the tool is just used to perpetrate a positive or negative objective. As religious sects use verbal violence against each other media houses which broadcast or publish such derogatory languages would often become object of criticism and scorn.

Hence the question of censorship arises. Each media house should ask whether it would constitute censorship if the user is stopped from disseminating information that is harmful to another person or group of persons. Some media houses are still not convinced that they should disallow the use of their media houses by those who aim to tarnish the images of others. They simply deem it appropriate to allow those who are offended to reply by using the same language. There is need for discussion in the media fraternity in particular and the country as a whole on whether it is more ethical to disallow the dissemination of information that creates antagonism among people or encourage different forces to battle it out ad infinitum.