When will the CRC submit its report?

Justice Jallow, CRC Chairperson


This is a burning issue of the day. The commission came into being on 4th June 2018. According to section 9 of the Constitutional Review Commission Act, the establishment of the Commission shall be for a period not exceeding eighteen months.

Hence the Commission has a mandate to stay in office until 4th December, 2019. However, if the Chairperson of the Commission makes a recommendation to the president for an extension the president may extend for a period not exceeding six months. Hence the life of the Commission cannot exceed 4th June 2020.

This is confirmed by sub section (2) of the same section, which states:

“Where the President considers it necessary, he or she may, on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Commission, extend the term of the Commission for a period not exceeding six months.