The high court in Dakar, Senegal, is to give its most important decision prior to an election that is going to have far reaching political implications. A country has three key organs of the state that could promote democratic governance by checking the excesses arising from one or the other.

It is strongly believed by many that the excesses of the executive in Senegal has created a fetter to equal participation by all political parties and political figures in the 2024 presidential elections in Senegal. The courts have power to remove such fetters and allow the participation of all stakeholders.

Senegal is close to be among those states whose political system could deliver successful term limits. Ecowas has set out for mention the successful conclusion of the elections in Liberia and the decision of the outgoing president to accept the results of the election as well as the declaration of the President of Senegal not to run after serving a second term. However, the legacy of the President of Senegal may be marred if a level ground is not created (as had happened in Liberia) for the participation of all political parties and personalities in the 2024 electoral contest. The decision of the Dakar court on Thursday is therefore going to be decisive in shaping the political outcome of the elections in 2024.