What Will Happen Soon After The Election Of Councillors?



The election of councillors will take place on 12 April 2018 while the election of mayors/mayoresses and chairpersons will take place on 12 May 2018. The mayor/mayoresses and chairpersons are to chair the meetings of councils. The date of the first meeting of a council after council elections shall be fixed by the Governor of the Region or the chief executive officer in the case of a city council or a municipality.

There is no time frame for the first meeting. Does this mean that the council will not meet until more than a month after election?

Meanwhile the councils stand dissolved in accordance with section 9A of the Local Government Act which states:

 (1) A Local Government Council shall stand dissolved ninety days before a Local Government election.

(2) On the dissolution of a Council, The president shall appoint, for each Local Government Area, an Interim Management Team, consisting of such persons as he she may determine, to perform the functions and exercise the powers of a Council until the day preceding the first meeting of a Council after a Local Government election.”