On the 10th October, 2023 Liberian voters are to elect their president and legislators for the coming six years after the vote. In preparation for the Election Mr. Edward A Mulbah, Executive Director of the  Peace Building Office under the Ministry of Internal Affairs,  Ms Christine N. Umutoni Regional Coordinator United Nations in Liberia and  Ms Josephine Nkrumah, Resident Representative of ECOWAS convened the “High Level National Conference On Electoral Integrity.”

The following were invited as International guest speakers at the conference: Hon. Halifa Sallah in recognition of role of managing the tense political atmosphere with care and patience during the political impasse of 2016/ 2017  in the Gambia and demonstrating  expertise in law making and  the institutionalisation of  the inter-Party Committee; Professor  Ekuru Aukot  Constitutional Law expert from Kenya with experience in giving advice regarding constitution building in Gambia, South Sudan, Lesotho, Somalia and Madagascar; Dr. Sam G. Doe, UNDP Resident Representative in South Sudan, a conflict , peace and development expert; Professor Gani Yoroms, Professor of Political Science with expertise in peace, human security and conflict resolution and Ms. Marcella Samba Chairperson, National Election Watch, Sierra Leone with the mandate to promote free, fair and credible elections.

Foroyaa has requested for a copy of Halifa Sallah’s presentation which because of length will be published as a Foroyaa Supplement part of our knowledge Based journalism Series.

Out of curiosity and public demand Foroyaa asked Halifa on the state of the book he wrote entitled: Nurturing Sovereign Citizens (A Handbook for Political Scientists and Civic Educators). He indicated that after a little delay with the printers who promised to give the best quality possible, he is to receive the first copy today to check the quality.

The advertisement will go on this week as to when and where to get a copy. He noted that people should distinguish a book from a Foroyaa Supplement. The book has hundreds of pages.