Food is becoming extremely expensive. Fish and meat are becoming out of reach to many and other condiments that the poor used to resort to cook cheaper meals are becoming outrageously high.

Foroyaa will look at all the items that used to be relied on to cook cheaper meals. For example, a family of five will spend D50 to buy a loaf of bread for each member of the family. A cup of sugar that can be used for only one meal is D17.  A sachet of tea is D1 or D2. A tin of milk which cannot be afforded by poor families is D25.

Hence one expects a family to spend just under D100 for breakfast alone which will deprive them of most of the nutrients that are needed for a balanced diet. In addition, the quality of flour and all the other items they consume matters.

It is not uncommon to buy an item and discover that it will expire in less than a month of purchase. This gives the impression that prices are also being influenced by the quality of the products that are being imported. Foroyaa will do a special study on this for clear information.