What Does The Constitution Say On The Duties Of A Citizen?



According to Section 220 of the Constitution the Duties of a citizen are as follows:

“(1) The exercise and enjoyment of rights and freedoms are inseparable from the performance of duties and obligations, and accordingly, every citizen shall-

(a) promote the prestige and good reputation of The Gambia and respect the symbols of The Gambia;

(b) uphold and defend the Constitution;

(c) foster national unity and live harmoniously with others;

(d) respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of others and refrain from acting in a manner detrimental to the welfare of other persons;

(e) serve The Gambia by working conscientiously in his or her chosen occupation; 

(j) protect and preserve public property and expose and combat the misuse and waste of public funds and property;

(g) contribute to the well-being of the community in which the citizen lives;

(h) be loyal to The Gambia and contribute to its defence when necessary;

(i) co-operate with the appropriate agencies in the maintenance of law and order; and

(j) protect and conserve the environment of The Gambia.

(2)  It shall be the duty of every citizen to abide by and conform with the provisions set out in subsection (1), but such duties shall not, of themselves, render any person liable to proceedings of any kind in any court.”