What Are The Options In Effecting Constitutional Reform Within The Time-Frame Available?

Question of the Day


The options are three-fold.  A motion could be initiated to rescind the decision made by the National Assembly and proceed with the Bill originally submitted to promulgate a new constitution. The recent decision by the Courts that there is no immunity for crime allegedly committed by any authority under the 1997 constitution would be instructive to those who opposed constitutional transformation because of a mistaken notion that a new constitution would eradicate immunities given by the 1997 Constitution.

Secondly, a new Bill could be introduced that has no link to the rejected Bill and start the whole process of constitutional reform from scratch.

Thirdly, the Ministers or the members of the National Assembly could introduce Bills to amend certain portions of the 1997  constitution such as the term limit, election within 90 days to fill any vacancy in the office of the President, a second Ballot if no candidate receives more than 50 Percent in the first Ballot, Consolidate the Independence of the IEC, The Judiciary, the National Assembly ,the Auditor General and the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Who will bell the cat? That is the question.