“We need over 2 Million to rehabilitate streets in Brikama Misira” Says VDC Chair


By Saikou Suwareh Jabai

The Chairman of the Brikama Missira Village Development Committee (VDC), Jim Danjo, said over two million dalasi is neededBrikama Misira to rehabilitate six main streets in the Brikama Misira area in Kombo Central. He said the concerns of the residents for these identified streets which are rendered impassable during the rainy season are the main focus of both the VDC and residents in this populated settlement.

Mr. Danjo made these remarks at a recent meeting convened by his committee, the community and the Brikama Area Council’s Development officer at the Missira Central Mosque.

He explained that a survey on the state of the streets, which was jointly carried by the VDC, Area Council and the Physical Planning Department, in August 2015, has been successfully concluded and is contained in a draft report presented to the Committee. He said it was the report that estimated the amount needed for the rehabilitation works.

He added that the VDC has done all what was required from it and that now it is left to their people in the Diaspora who had tasked his Committee to come up with an implementation plan and budget for the project.

Mr. Danjo said they are committed to promoting development in their community.

“The VDC is proud to inform this meeting that the mandate given to them by the community as entry point to development would always be adhered to,” he said.

Lamin Marr, the Development Officer at the Brikama Area Council, who was the head of the survey team and also the technical adviser to the Committee regarding the streets, said having a drainage system with gutters is paramount but may not be applicable based on the simple reason that the streets are very narrow and could lead to the demolition of many fences and houses in the community. He said the only way is to grade the streets with gravel and to create a water way as was done by the Council in Farato Bojang Kunda which has a similar problem as Missira.

“But the Council would not come up with the suggestion of having gutters in the area because it would be costly as well as not applicable by going through the area’s geographic location,” he said.

The Alkalo of Missira Alhagie Seedy Nyassi reminded the gathering that development is what the community is yearning for but was quick to observe that anything that would bring inconveniency to the community must be critically looked into.

“I suggest that we buy the recommendation from the experts and technicians in order for the community to be on the safe side,” he said.

The other speakers at the meeting re-echoed similar remarks and promised to work in partnership with the VDC to come up with a lasting solution to the water crisis affecting the community for decades.