By Aja Musu Bah-Daffeh

The family of Lieutenant Ebou Lowe a member of the Gambia National Army, has lamented the need for justice to take its full course on the disappearance of their loved one since 2006 after being arrested on allegation of his involvement in a foiled coup under the leadership of former President Yahya Jammeh.

The mother of the said soldier, Aja Jarra Tambedou narrated that the former President Jammeh posted her son to Kanilia as the Camp Commander adding within six months he was later arrested from Kanilia and then taken to Mile 2.

Upon the arrest of Ebou, she said she called his contact several times but to no avail noting that she then called Lt. Gen Lang Tombong Tamba to know her son’s whereabouts but he rang off the call on her twice and then switched off his phone. “I then became desperate and agitated not knowing where to go and whom to contact” said the distraught mother.

Aja Jarra asserted that while his son was still in Mile 2, National Intelligence Agency (NIA) personnel came to his house and collected his uniforms, passport, laptop, documents and many other things. She revealed that LT. Lowe had four children  who grew up without the love of their father.

She further said that it was later reported by the state media that he (LT. Ebou Lowe), Daba Marena, Manlafi Corr and others escaped when their vehicle had an accident on the way while being transferred to Janjangbureh prison and since then the family haven’t heard anything from him, therefore, they need justice to be done in his disappearance.

Sainabou Lowe younger sister to Ebou said when the new government came into power, they asked all those who did not see their family members to go Police headquarters to report, noting they went to the IG of Police who referred them to the deputy IG of Police and then they went to Major Crimes where they opened a case file for him and they gave their statements.

“However, we were told they will call us but they still haven’t done that and I don’t think it is moving as fast as it should as we still don’t know anything about the case file and things like this should be a priority because it’s a long time now” said the heartbroken sister.

She stated that her brother’s children grew up without their father in which she said his last son Ebou Lowe who was named after the father wrote on Facebook that “Yahya Jammeh is the reason why I grow up without a father”.