Was The IEC Consulted Before Chairpersonship Election Was Re-Introduced?


Three months before the holding of local government elections, the councils are dissolved and management committees appointed to run them. This law is definitely undemocratic and should have been reviewed.

It is worse than what it was in 1930 when the councils came into being. Since the government inherited this law. It should amend the Local Government Act by eliminating such a law so that elected councils, chairpersons and mayors/mayoresses would continue in office until the day when new councils, chairpersons and mayors/mayoresses are appointed to hold public office.

It is important for eyes be focused on the current management committees to ensure that there are not square pegs in round holes, that those running will not be using it to promote the interest of any single party during the council elections.

The IEC has been compelled to change the period of the elections for mayors/mayoresses and chairpersons, meaning that councils will be presided over by appointed mayors and chairpersons after councillors are elected. This simply does not make sense. Foroyaa will review this ambiguity and propose a way forward.

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