“Voting Process Is Transparent”, say Voters In Serrekunda-Nding Village


By Nelson Manneh 

Dozens of voters who witnessed the opening of a polling station in Serrekunda-Nding village have informed this medium that the voting process has been transparent.

These voters said they woke up as early as 6 am in order to cast their votes early and go home.

“I woke up early just because I wanted to cast my note and go home but I was lucky to see how the ballot boxes were prepared before the voting process started,” said Lamin Jarju.

Jarju said he has never witnessed ballot boxes being prepared before the voting started. Jarju meant to say that the ballot boxes are opened and prepared for everyone to see before they are taken inside for voting. He said this process is very transparent.

“There is no form of secrecy in the process except the voting process. All the process is done openly and everybody is allowed to have the opportunity to observe the process,” he said. 

The election officers at this centre were on the ground as early as 7 am to prepare the ballot boxes and set them for the voting process. Around 7: 45 am the security officers were helping voters to join the queues.

Other voters also admitted that the process was transparent. 

“I have already casted my vote and I will go home straight and listen to the rest of the process on my radio. I am sure if all voters after casting their votes go home, there will be peace in the whole process,” Nfally Njie said, adding election is a formal democratic process of electing a leader.

“Violence should not be part of it as the Gambia is recognized by the whole world as a peaceful country; The smiling coast of Africa,” he said.

Njie said election crises are always painful as they lead to loss of lives and properties.  He urged all Gambians to maintain peace during and after the election.