Vision 2020 :Mission statement


“ To transform The Gambia into a financial centre, a tourism paradise, a trading, export –oriented agriculture and manufacturing nation, thriving on free market policies and vibrant private sector, sustained by well –educated, trained, skilled, healthy, self –reliant and enterprising population and guaranteeing a well –balanced eco-system and a decent standard of living for one and all, under a system of government based on the consent of the citizenry”.

National Development Plan 2018-2021 

What are our priorities- Mission Statement

The vision and overall goal of the National Development Plan will be realized

through eight strategic priorities,

  • Restoring good governance, respect for human rights, the rule of law, and empowering citizens through decentralization and local governance;
  • Stabilizing our economy, stimulating growth, and transforming the economy;
  • Modernizing our agriculture and fisheries for sustained economic growth, food and nutritional security and poverty reduction;
  • Building our infrastructure and restoring energy services to power our economy;
  • Investing in our people through improved education and health services, and building a caring society; ;
  • Promoting an inclusive and culture-centred tourism for sustainable growth;
  • Reaping the demographic dividend through an empowered youth; and
  • Making the private sector the engine of growth, transformation, and job



Seven crosscutting critical enablers will complement the eight strategic priorities

of the plan:

  • A public sector that is efficient and responsive to the citizenry;
  • Empowering the Gambian Woman to realize her full potential;
  • Enhancing the role of the Gambian Diaspora in national development;
  • Promoting environmental sustainability, climate resilient communities and appropriate land use;
  • Making The Gambia a Digital Nation and creating a modern information society;
  • A civil society that is engaged and is a valued partner in national development; and
  • Strengthening evidence-based policy, planning and decision-making
  • A reformed security sector and establishment of civilian and democratic oversight mechanism guaranteed for non-recurrence of serious human rights violations by the security forces 

Comparing the two Missions

Mission Vision 2020 Mission NDP 2018-2021 Comment
To transform The Gambia into a financial centre Stabilizing our economy, stimulating growth, and transforming the economy  
To transform The Gambia into  a tourism paradise Promoting an inclusive and culture-centred tourism for sustainable growth;


To transform The Gambia into , a trading, export –oriented agriculture and manufacturing nation thriving on free market policies and vibrant private sector Modernizing our agriculture and fisheries for sustained economic growth, food and nutritional security and poverty reduction

Making the private sector the engine of growth, transformation, and job


Building our infrastructure and restoring energy services to power our economy;


sustained by well –educated, trained, skilled, healthy, self –reliant and enterprising population Investing in our people through improved education and health services

Reaping the demographic dividend through an empowered youth;

Empowering the Gambian Woman to realize her full potential

Making The Gambia a Digital Nation and creating a modern information society


guaranteeing a well –balanced eco-system Promoting environmental sustainability, climate resilient communities and appropriate land use  
decent standard of living for one and all  building a caring society  
 System of government based on the consent of the citizenry”.


Restoring good governance, respect for human rights, the rule of law, and empowering citizens through decentralization and local governance


A public sector that is efficient and responsive to the citizenry


Enhancing the role of the Gambian Diaspora in national development

A civil society that is engaged and is a valued partner in national development