Importers of rice must be sitting on a knife edge as they contemplate
what Government would do as of 1st January 2016.In 2012, the importation of rice to The Gambia amounted to 140, 672
tons with a value of 1,413 Million Dalasi or 1.4 Billion Dalasi.
In 2013, the importation of rice amounted to 130,226 tons valued at
1,135 Million Dalasi or 1.1 Billion Dalasi.
In 2014, the importation of rice amounted to 140,411 tons valued at
1,929 Million Dalasi or 1.9 Billion Dalasi.
This shows that there are big rice importers to satisfy the demands of
many rice consumers.
By now the government should have shown the tons of rice which has
been produced to substitute imported rice. Instead, the technocrats in
the agriculture sector are facing trials and the statistics are still
not forthcoming. As it stands, vision 2016 appears to be a
soothsayer’s prediction rather than a scientific projection.