USET Staff End Sit-Down Strike


By Ndey Sowe

The Staff Welfare Association of The University of Applied Science and Technology (USET) has ended its sit-down strike after a majority of its demands were met. 

A dispatch seen and shared with this medium indicates that USET Staff resumed duties on 8 October 2024, and urged all staff to pick up their tools and continue with their normal duties.

During a recent press conference held at the University on Thursday, October 3, 2024, staff reported that they were grappling with financial liabilities that have left them feeling financially oppressed and socially disempowered. 

At that press conference, staff voiced their deep frustrations marking the first public protest since the institution transitioned from The Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) to USET in 2022.

The staff said they were on strike due to unpaid welfare and credit union contributions, unpaid income taxes, unpaid lectures, and staff gratuity payments to Social Security and Housing, and Finance Corporation among others.

According to Samuel Mendy, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Association, four out of the six points they demanded have been fulfilled, and the following payments were made: Credit Union contribution: D1,432,036.00, Staff Welfare contributions: D271,000.00; Performance Allowance D1,132,000.00. He reported that management together with MoHERST, is working with the GRA to for their tax clearance. He said those who already paid for their clearance, should take their receipts to the Accounts Office for refund.

However, he added that USET Management is tasked to come up with a payment plan for their Social Security. 

As for the USET Scale, he said USET Management and Governing Council have been tasked to work on the policy and come up with a pay scale for staff.

“Until then, SWA-USET will continue to monitor these developments, and we are committed to ensuring that staff welfare is given utmost consideration,” Mr. Mendy disclosed and said all other payments will be settled on or before next Thursday.