UNDP Launches 2023/24 Human Development Report


By Assan Bah

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in collaboration with the Gambia government and partners, on Wednesday 15 May 2024,launched the Human Development Report (HDR) 2023/2024.

The report titled: “Breaking the Gridlock: Re-imagining cooperation in a polarised world,” holds significant insights and analysis on critical global issues, and provides valuable perspectives on human development trends, challenges and opportunities worldwide. 

The event which featured presentations from prominent experts and stakeholders also provided in-depth discussions on key findings and recommendations of the Human Development Report. Held at a local hotel in Kololi, the event brought together distinguished personalities such as Mrs.FatoumattaJallow-Tambajang, former vice President of the Gambia; the Minister of Youth and Sports;representatives of the Gambia government;experts; representatives of civil society organizations; youth; women; the private sector, and academia.

Delivering her opening remarks,MandisaMashologu, the resident representative of the UNDP said the report came at a critical juncture in UNDP’s collective journey towards sustainable development and global cooperation. She said the HDR began 34 years ago and it is a crucial endeavour which aims to foster collective thought leadership on development and international collaboration.

“This initiative sought to address the evolving needs of both nations and the global community. The 2023-2024 HDR recognizes essential realities and seeks innovative avenues for cooperation and unity-building, spanning societal and international boundaries. It serves as a guide for action, urging every nation to contribute to the advancement of global public goods that serve the common interests of humanity,’’ she said; that as the world is confronted with unprecedented challenges like economic volatility, social unrest and environmental degradation which threatens the fabric of societies, it is imperative for such cooperation to be made clearer.

“This report sheds light on the root causes of the gridlock we face and offers innovative solutions for overcoming it. It calls for a paradigm shift in our approach to cooperation, one that transcends traditional boundaries and embraces diversity of thought and perspective.It is therefore crucial to consider the implications of these challenges within the Gambian context particularly in alignment with our new country program document (CPD 2024-2028) and the Gambia’s development roadmap that is the recovery focused National Development Plan (NDP).These frameworks present a forward-looking strategy which aims to reinforce the advancements made in democratic governance by promoting environmentally sustainable economic inclusion, and enhancing resilience,’’ she said.She further highlighted the essence of the HDR to The Gambia and to other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) globally saying insights from the report provides a blueprint for action.

“The global Human Development Index (HDI) data reveals alarming disparities among nations, indicating an unequal recovery period post Covid-19 where poorer countries are being left behind, exacerbating inequalities. If left unchecked, these lows in human development could become permanent for the most vulnerable nations,’’ Mrs. Mashologu said; that the findings of the report underscores the importance of collective action in driving meaningful progress and in laying the foundation for a more equitable and sustainable future for all; That it calls for collective efforts in breaking down the gridlock that divides us and forges new pathways to uproot polarization.

“The launch of the UNDP Human Development Report for 2023-2034, has been a testament to the power of collaboration and collective action in addressing the most pressing challenges of our time.For The Gambia and similar nations across the globe, this report serves as a blueprint for action, a roadmap for building a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable future for all. It reminds us that by working together, we can overcome even the most daunting obstacles and achieve our shared vision of prosperity and peace,’’ she said. 

While expressing gratitude to their partners,Mrs. Mashologu advised representatives to be inspired and invigorated, and to carry forward the spirit of cooperation that has defined their discussions.

“Let us redouble our efforts to break down barriers, build trust and forge new partnerships for progress,” she said.

Representing the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA), Permanent Secretary MrAbdoulie Jallow,said Ministry believed the HDR serves as a compass that guides through the complex landscape of global development challenges, by offering insights and recommendations on how to navigate through these turbulent times.He said in a world characterized by growing polarization and discord, the imperative for cooperation has never been more urgent.

“As the interconnected nature of our economies and the importance of collaborative actions in addressing shared challenges unfold, the findings of this report serve as a poignant reminder that the status quo is no longer tenable. The gridlock we face demands a radical re-imagining of cooperation; one that transcends ideological divides and fosters inclusive dialogue and mutual understanding,’’ PS Jallow said.

He said government is dedicated to the principles of solidarity and unity.

“In the Gambian context, the “YIRIWAA” recovery focused National Development Plan symbolizes a transformative path towards sustainable and resilient development. Its effective execution will not only realize our medium-term development goals, but will also make substantial contributions to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Agenda 2063. Therefore, for The Gambia as nation dedicated to the principles of solidarity and unity, this report serves both as a guide and a rallying cry, because it highlights the crucial need to leverage our collective capabilities to surmount challenges, and construct a future that is both resilient and prosperous for everyone.While we cannot overhaul our societies overnight, we must generate momentum and optimism through immediate action. By empowering people and demonstrating the widespread benefits of cooperation, we dispel the notion of a zero-sum world where one nation’s gain is another’s loss. Instead, we strive to cultivate a sense of shared prosperity by acting decisively, urgently and optimistically, as outlined in the HDR,’’ PS Jallow said. He expressedgratitude to the UNDP for its unwavering commitment in promoting human development and fostering global cooperation.

“Together, let us seize this moment to break the gridlock and usher in a new era of solidarity, progress, and hope,” PS Jallow concludes.

Giving her keynote address, the Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service, Mrs. Salimata E.T.Touray, said in a world characterized by growing polarization and fragmentation, the theme of this year’s report strongly reflects the obstacles confronting the global society, particularly as human development becomes an increasingly diminishing priority.

“In a world marked by increasing polarization and division, the importance of cooperation cannot be overstated. The challenges we face, be it economic, social or environmental, are interconnected and require collective action. However, as we navigate through these turbulent times, we find ourselves grappling with gridlock,stagnation in our ability to collaborate effectively,’’ MrsTouray said.

She said it is in these moments of deadlock that the seeds of innovation and transformation are sown.

“The global community has witnessed a significant decline in the Human Development Index, marking the first consecutive two-year regression in its 34-year history. Therefore, we must re-imagine cooperation, transcend traditional boundaries and embrace diversity of thoughts and perspectives. Only by doing so can we unlock the potential for sustainable development and inclusive growth,’’ she said and continued:‘‘As outlined by the HDR, prudent measures entail increasing the flow of funding to low and middle-income countries to support investments in both national and global public goods. Revitalizing national institutions is crucial because there is a noticeable decline in confidence and trust in them across societies,’’ she said. She emphasized the need for the rebuilding of trust in national institutions as essential in not only fostering confidence in international institutions but also for promoting international cooperation.

“It is prudent to take proactive measures to strengthen trust in national institutions and also prudent to empower individuals to feel a greater sense of agency and engagement in collective efforts for the common good, both at the domestic and international levels.

“Engaging people in deliberative processes allows us to build common ground and a sense of mutual understanding within our societies by resisting the forces of polarization. Consequently, debating issues and working towards shared goals in the collective interests of all, will help reduce inequalities and advance women’s emancipation which benefits us all,” She added and continued:

“As we embark on this journey of re-imagining cooperation, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the values of tolerance, empathy and understanding. Let us seize this opportunity to break free from the shackles of polarization and build a future that is more just, more equitable and more sustainable for all.As depicted in the HDR, together, let us break the gridlock and rise up to the challenges before us and urgently chart a course towards shared prosperity and pave the way for a brighter future for all, defeat polarization and advance the cause of global cooperation,” She concluded.