UN System reacts to early marriage declaration


Banjul, 13th July, 2016

The UN System in The Gambia welcomes the ban on child and forced marriage, which is in line with recommendations that the Government has accepted under the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2014/2015, and with the provisions enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on all forms of Discrimination against Women both ratified by The Gambia. The UN congratulates the Government and people of The Gambia for this bold initiative as we celebrate World Population Day on the theme ‘investing in teenage girls’ and highlighting violations of the rights of girls faced by early motherhood, forced marriage, thus protecting their rights to education, health and freedom to choose their own life. The UN family stands ready to continue to partner with The Gambia in putting in place the legislation to enforce the ban on child and forced marriage and in the implementation of the strategy.

Press release by UN