UN, AU, Ecowas Should Only Be Cautioned On Subversion By National Intelligence Advice


A nation’s security is under eyesight of its national intelligence service. The port of first call of any national security matter is the national intelligence service of a state.

Words alone do not constitute national security threat or connote subversive intention. The reason why many states have decriminalized sedition is because of the danger of interpreting mere words as intention even though the persons accused are far removed from any possibility of being able to back their words with deeds. A stable state is not shaken by words which may sometimes be even regarded as wishful thinking.

Any matter which is considered to constitute a risk should be properly put in the plate of the national security service of that state for proper review. There are many issues that are reviewed as potential risks which are even considered not to merit investigation. Those risks with evidential backing which could be classified as threats would be investigated by national intelligence service and real threats conveyed to state authorities for proper action. If the country is to become more stable it is necessary for each responsibility to be assigned to the right institution for professional treatment.

Jammeh’s conversation with his colleagues should be put in proper context and taken for what it is. A mere conversation may be relevant and has been leaked; if there is more to it, the national intelligence will clear the air.