By Mustapha Jallow

The United Democratic Party has issued the following press release clarifying its position on a number of issues Lawyer Darboerelating to the forthcoming elections:

It has come to the Knowledge of the executive of UDP that certain people are going round telling people that UDP will not contest in the December 2016 elections as a result of the current political crisis confronting the party as well as the constitutional upper age disqualification of its leader. That Lawyer Ousainou Darboe the Secretary General and Party Leader, has agreed with a particular political party leader to put his weight behind him in the forth coming presidential elections.

The executive committee of UDP wishes to inform its membership, and the general public at large that, such information are not only false and baseless but misleading, calculated to make a political gain from the support base of UDP. Neither Ousainou Darboe nor UDP has ever made any such arrangement with anybody or any political party in connection with the forth coming December presidential poll.

United Democratic Party as a party is more determined than ever before to democratically put an end to the dictatorial regime of Yaya Jammeh and APRC. The UDP has demonstrated as the best alternative political party that can bring the change that the Gambians badly need. Its leader has proven to all and sundry, that he is a leader worth following and capable of bringing sanity and good governance in the country.

As an opposition party, the UDP remains ever committed to the call for opposition unity and genuine electoral reforms agenda aimed to create an environment for the conduct of credible, free and fair elections as forwarded by the group of six opposition parties and also backed by the inter party committee for opposition unification.

In accordance with the UDP constitution, congress only elects the party leader and the entire executive, the central committee receives, considers and approves applications for the party presidential candidate whilst the selection committee does the selection. In respect of the Inter- party dialogue and demand for electoral reforms, UDP is yet to name a presidential candidate and will continue to honour the process and act accordingly.

Mariam B. Secka

The Deputy Secretary General and Deputy Party Leader