Two confirmed dead after first rain in URR


By Lamin Fatty

Heavy rain and storm on Tuesday 18 June 2019 claimed two lives and left families in Wulli West and Sandu in URR homeless.

An eleven-year-old boy from Bajonkoto and a woman in her 60s from Taibatou were confirmed dead at Yorobawol Health Centre shortly after reaching the facility.

The officer in charge (OIC) of Yorobawol Health Centre Fabakary Barrow said eight were brought in and admitted at the Health Centre, two died, two later discharged and another four were referred to Basse District Hospital.

The most affected villages are Jah-kunda, Fadia-kunda, Kulari, Kuwonkunding, Kolibantang, Limbanbulu, Touba Wopper,Touba Wulli, Dasilameh, Madina Koto, Sutukonding, Taibatou and Bajonkoto.

Buildings were destroyed and animals died as well. Injuries were sustained as a result of fallen blocks and corrugated iron sheets during the incident.