Training on early Warning for youth underway


By Isatou Kanyi

WANEP The Gambia together with the Office of the President and the Ministry of Interior on Wednesday began a 3-day training on early warning for youth and regional structures.

The event which is being held at the Metzy Hotel in Kololi, is aimed at strengthening local capacities for conflict prevention by building the knowledge and skills of the participants as well as develop c collaboration with them in order to facilitate early response.

Salama Njie, WANEP National Coordinator said Government has made strides in strengthening the country’s nascent democracy three years following the removal of Ex-President Jammeh through elections.

She said since the advent of the new dispensation, there have been critical and interacting reforms underway including the Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), Security Sector Reform (SSR) process and the Constitution Review Commission (CRC).

Alahagie Nyangadou, Director General Strategic Policy said ‘’prevention is better than cure’’, adding this old adage applies to many aspects of human existence and it does as well to conflict prevention and early warning.

He emphasized that the experience shows that it is cheaper to prevent conflict from escalating (through early warning) than to contain it once the conflict has erupted and gone out of hand.