Tourist Taxi Drivers Decry Low Season


By Kebba Camara The tourist taxi drivers mainly around the SeneGambia area have decried the low tourism season in this time of the year and said they are undergoing what they described as some difficult moments. This reporter visited the SeneGambia area yesterday and spoke to some drivers. The drivers that spoke to him are mainly around the Jerma Hotel vicinity. Masanneh Kinteh, a tourist taxi driver said he has been driving for more than 10 years now. He said every year is the same; that they work for 6 months and for the other 6 months they would be idle. He said he is married with kids, noting this time of the year is very difficult for him as he is jobless at the moment. Another tourist taxi driver Kitabou Marong, expresses similar views. “Its true that we are undergoing lots of hardship at the moment. It’s the low season and many tourists are not visiting the country. What we should do is to encourage the All year round tourism. I think the authorities should really take note of this. We have paid all our dues to the relevant authorities but still as you can see you met me here doing nothing. Sometimes what we even do is to go to town and carry ordinary passengers so that we can get fish money,” he said. He said he doesn’t want to put accusing fingers on institutions but the government should help them with All Year Round Tourism,” Mr. Marong suggested. Many other drivers who spoke to this reporter yesterday at the busy tourist center at SeneGambia call on the authorities to have a year round tourism season.]]>