By: Muhammed S Bah
President Barrow received three diplomatic credentials from the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Denmark, Sultanate of Oman, and the Republic of (South) Korea.
Their mission marks the beginning of their diplomatic assignments in the country.
The President’s office confirms that the ceremony was held at State House, on the 10th April 2019
The President urged them to encourage private investors in their respective countries to exploit the business and economic opportunities in the country.
In receiving the Danish envoy, President Barrow welcomed the renewal of relations between The Gambia and Denmark before highlighting the devotion of his government to upholding and strengthening the values of democracy and good governance. While informing the ambassador about the ongoing sectoral reforms, President Barrow called for support in capacity building and enhancement of the tourism sector.
For her part, the Danish Ambassador, Her Excellency, Marianne Kress Fugi pointed out that Denmark has been contributing to the development of The Gambia through the European Union and the United Nations. Ambassador Kress Fugi also said she had taken note of President Barrow’s request and would endeavour to encourage private investor involvement in the country’s economy, especially the tourism sector.

The bilateral talks between President Barrow and the Omani Ambassador largely took place within the scope of the Organization of Islamic Conference, which both countries are members of. The President reiterated calls for member countries of the 56-member organizations to continue to stick together as one family. He maintained that The Gambia needs the support of all the OIC members for the successful hosting of the 2019 Summit in Banjul. Additionally, the President contended that the private sector from Oman would find The Gambia to be a great haven for investment.
Ambassador Abdullah Mohammad Suleima Alamri told the President of his intentions to strengthen the historic and fruitful relations between The Gambia and Oman by developing ways that benefit the peoples and governments of both countries.

For the Republic of Korea, President Barrow thanked its government and President for the roles played in resolving the 2016 political impasse in The Gambia through the UN, as well as providing capacity building for The Gambia’s transitional justice programmes, noting that the occasion will mark the beginning of a more strengthened and improved relations with Korea. He made calls for Korean private sector investment in The Gambia. On international relations, President Barrow encouraged the Republic of Korea to reinforce diplomacy and dialogue with its neighbour, North Korea, as a way of promoting regional peace and stability.
Ambassador Won Sok Choi promised to work towards strengthening the relations between The Gambia and Korea. He added that Korea is already supporting the transitional justice programme of the criminal justice system through the UN office on Drugs and Crime; and also assisting in strengthening The Gambia’s technical and vocational training systems through the UNESCO.